Information on the Insititution
Conservatory of Music "A. Corelli" – Messina
The Conservatory of Music “A. Corelli” is located in Messina (Sicily), at Via Giuseppe Motta, not far from the city centre. It can easily be reached by streetcar, getting off at the last stop – Bonino.
- The academic year begins on November 1th and it ends on October 31st. There are three examinations sessions: 1) Summer, 2) Autumn and 3) Winter (February/March) Sessions
The Directorate is leaded by M° Antonino Averna, who is responsible for everything concerning the education, the teaching staff and all the musical activities of the Institute;
tel- +39.090.6510291 / email:
Avv. Giuseppe Ministeri, President , chair the Board of Administration;
Dr. Alessandro Pavone and Dr. Paolo Giovanni Ferrara are the Administrative Directors;
The Conservatory of Music "Arcangelo Corelli" of Messina has a long and glorious history.
It started as School of Music ”Filarmonica Laudamo”, founded in 1938. Three years later it became High School of Music "Antonio Laudamo" and in 1953 public music Institution. Only in 1955 the institute was named after “Arcangelo Corelli”, one of the greatest musicians who lived between the second half of the seventeenth century and early eighteenth centuries. In 1972, finally, became the “Conservatory of Music”.
Many are the chances that the Music Conservatory of Messina has today for those who want to pursue a career in music. Academic and pre-academic courses, at the end of which is awarding the academic diploma of level I and later on level II (for obtaining the academic degree of level II). To emphasize the musical offering, the Conservatory has activated the various disciplines related to jazz (Jazz Bass, Drums and percussion, jazz, singing jazz, jazz guitar, jazz clarinet, jazz bass, jazz piano, jazz saxophone, keyboards electronic jazz, Jazz Trumpet, Trombone jazz and jazz violin).